The following summarizes a few of the major points in the Volpino Italiano Standard.
At this time a good deal of controversy surrounds the present Volpino Standard.
In Italy, the Volpino Italiano is generally acknowledged to exist in 4 colors white, red, Champagne and black. However, the standard NOW recognizes ALL colors, white and red, black and Champagne. There is a group of individuals that would like to see the strict limits in the standard abolished to reduce inbreeding within the Volpino population. Poor Breeding practices from the original and the large breeders have exasperated the problem. See the section in health for further information.
The most important way to judge a Volpino is in the show. It is here that an animal is quantified and judged in respect to other Volpino’s. Those that meet the idealist view of the pedigree generally wins in the show. The value of an animal that is a consistent show winner is generally higher than those that have not competed in a breed show.
Refer to the standard for any definition.
Height Depth of chest is slightly less than half the height at the withers
The Height of the animal at the withers (top of the shoulder blades) isThe most important basic measurement of the animal;
MALE - 27 to 30 cm at the withers
FEMALE - 25 to 28 cm at the withers
Both above measurements are standard, acceptable (with fault) +2cm.
Body should appear, small and compact, with the length of the body
from shoulder to the buttocks being equal to the height of the withers.
Length of the head is 4/10ths at the height of the withers.
Length of Muzzle Straight. Conical.
SKULL is slightly longer than the muzzle, with a ratio of 6.5:5.
Width is more than half the length of the head, in the ratio of 7.3 to 11.5.
The whole skull is ovoid in longitudinal and in transverse direction.
Skull will have semi-long hair and cover the base of the ears.
Muzzle will be covered with a very fine hair. ​
Frontal furrow and occiput "eyes" moderately expressed.
Top line of the skull and muzzle are moderately convergent.
Forehead is domed.
Stop is developed, the angle between the face and forehead nearly a straight line.
Back/Spine slight concave, not flat
Eyes Normal size. Rounded. Well open and set wide apart, which makes the angle
quite wide.
The eye's Convey the expression of vigilance and readiness to action.
Eyelids tightly fitting.
Eye color — dark ocher.
Color the eyelids black.
Feet Oval - close-knit toes. Pads and claws are black but today's Volpino's most claws are white or grayish.
Hindquarters - When viewed from behind the hocks upright and parallel to each other.
Thigh Length - equal to 1/3 of the growth. Thighs parallel to the medial plane of the body.
Lower thigh: Slightly shorter than the thigh. Inclined relative to the horizontal at an angle of 55° to 60°.
Hock the Distance from hock joint to support a little more than 1/4 of the height at the withers.
Metatarsus viewed from all points upright and straight.
Movements free, Main — trot turning into a gallop.
Skin Tight, Without folds
Coat - Volpino’s must have a double coat.
The outer coat is coarse, long and straight and does not
appear to ‘fall’.
The under coat is to be woolly soft.
Guard hairs thick and stiff.
Neck hair to be thick and broad like a muff!
The coat on the head moderately long, the base of the
ears hidden in thick fur.
The ears themselves are covered with relatively short hair.
2023 - All Colors are acceptable, Pure white, pure red mottled, Black, Champagne. Pale orange hues on the
ears permissible, but not desirable. Make note that sometimes when the dogs scratch their ears, it becomes
stained so it looks like it's pale red/orange hues.
Jaw is Fairly well developed. When viewed from the front straight and flat. The lower jaw is straight.
Teeth White. The cutters located in line. The tooth formula is complete. Scissor bite. Pincer-bite is permissible, a
lined but if a couple are slightly out of order it’s OK
Gait – Movement - The gait is to be a normal trot with a ‘gallop’ type, movement when running.
The movement should be harmonious without any jumpiness or hoping.
In Italy, the Volpino Italiano is generally acknowledged to
exist in 3 colors white, red, and black. However, the standard only
recognizes 2 colors, white and red (some Champaign is acceptable with fault).
Disqualifying Faults of the Volpino Italiano
1 - Looking at the individual animal, one must judge if the animal in question
looks like a typical Volpino Italiano. If not the animal is disqualified.
2 - Is the dog excessively aggressive or over shy (timid) during the show.
3 - All dogs that clearly exhibit any physical or behavior abnormalities.
4 - Major Faults; any animal that exhibits a fault that would clearly prohibit
a win in any show including to but not limited to;
5- Lack of or partial lack of a tail (either congenital or artificial)
6- An overshot mouth; an undershot mouth that disfigures the muzzle
7- Falling Ears (instead of standing in a pyramid way)
8 - Wall eye
9 - Convex top-line of the muzzle (bulging top line of muzzle instead of appearing
in a straight line from nose to skull)
10 - Divergent Cranial- Facial axes (ie – muzzle not in line and centered on skull)
11- De-pigmentation of the nose or the eyelid rims (ie liver colored nose)
12 - Height is greater than or less than 3 cm from specification.
13 - Any color on the animal other that white, red, or champagne. Markings of any
type or color on a red or white background (ie a red patch on a white animal, a black
patch on red animal etc.).
14 - Any animal that lacks 1 or both testicles.
If either or both testicles is not fully and normally developed or if either or both
testicles did not normally and fully descend into the scrotum.
Any deviations from the descriptions must be regarded as disadvantages.
The seriousness of these drawbacks it is necessary to consider as they
increase in the following sequence:
isn't black the color of the nose;
-light eye color;
roach-bridge of the nose;
-tail dipped between his legs;
-tolerance limit growth of± 3 cm